Resource Tuner lets you analyze executable files, view the resources that they contain, and extract, replace, edit, or delete any of these resources as you like. Furthermore, all these resources, may they be images, icons, menus, dialogs, strings, or sounds, can be simply viewed in a neatly organized manner, using a convenient tree view mode. Anyway, the most remarkable advantage offered by this handy tool remains the fact that it can be used to modify the resources in a PE executable in a really convenient way, being great for translators, interface designers, coders, etc.
Resource Tuner comes with a really neat and intuitive interface that makes it really easy to operate. Despite being simple to use, it’s a comprehensive application that packs plenty of useful features, functions and options. For example, it packs an automatic UPX unpacker and it can save multiple resources to disk at once. Advanced features like an application manifest wizard, resource optimizing, error checking and repairing, or ever custom plug-ins are also available.
To sum it all up, Resource Tuner is a powerful resource viewer and editor whose many benefits make its price be completely justified, though at first I considered it to be a bit expensive.